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This evening’s Cephalotron, sans speaking, music-only mix

Cephalotron 171 2022-07-24

KSQD Santa Cruz ; K-Squid 90.7 FM ; streaming online @ You Can support this station by going to

01-Mood Science ; Instantiations ; Constellations3ex1
02-Air ; 10,000 Hz Legends ; Radian
03-Fred Und Luna ; Im Weltenraum ; Nonstop
04-Cabaret Voltaire ; The Conversation ; Let’s Start
05-Mood Science ; Instantiations ; Constellations3ex2
06-John Carpenter ; Lost Themes ; Night
07-I Start Counting ; My Translucent Hands ; Lose Him
08-Deep Space Network ; Big Rooms ; Zenn La
09-Mood Science ; Instantiations ; Constellations3ex3
10-Polygon Window ; Surfing on the Sine Waves ; If It Really Is Me
11-London Modular Alliance ; Out of Sync – EP ; Their Discontent
12-John Foxx ; D. N. A. ; Flightpath Tegal
13-Mood Science ; Instantiations ; Constellations3ex4

Cephalotron 171 2022-07-24 No Speaking music only

Yesterday Morning’s Dream Journal : dreamjournal220723-Numeralmeisis


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